Senior Services News
LeadingAge PA issues statement on Pennsylvania House and Senate passing emergency CARES Act funding and state budget
May 29, 2020
Adam Marles, president and CEO of LeadingAge PA, the voice for nonprofit senior care in Pennsylvania, today issued the following statement on the Pennsylvania House and Senate passing the State Budget for Governor Wolf to finalize and a $2.6 billion funding package for the Emergency CARES Act -
LeadingAge PA announces 2020 Distinguished Service award winners
May 26, 2020
LeadingAge PA is thrilled to announce the 2020 Distinguished Service Award winners! Established in 1973, the Distinguished Service Awards honor the exemplary contributions of individuals or groups from member organizations who are enhancing the aging services field through their involvement, innovation, leadership, or advocacy. -
LeadingAge PA issues statement on federal government providing $237.9 million to PA nursing home facilities
May 22, 2020
Adam Marles, president and CEO of LeadingAge PA, the voice for nonprofit senior care in Pennsylvania, today issued the following statement on the decision by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide $237.9 million to nursing home facilities in Pennsylvania impacted by COVID-19. -
LeadingAge PA issues statement on Department of Health release of nursing and personal care home names with positive COVID-19 tests
May 19, 2020
Adam Marles, president and CEO of LeadingAge PA, the voice for nonprofit senior care in Pennsylvania, today issued the following statement on the decision by the state Department of Health to release the names of nursing and personal care homes that have had residents and employees test positive for COVID-19. -
LeadingAge PA thanks Senate for unanimous approval of emergency nursing facilities funding
May 12, 2020
Adam Marles, president and CEO of LeadingAge PA, the voice for nonprofit senior care in Pennsylvania, today thanked the state Senate for unanimously approving a $507 million emergency funding package to help all Pennsylvania nursing facilities battle the coronavirus pandemic. The legislation now goes to the state House for consideration. -
LeadingAge PA president & CEO discusses the needs of long-term care providers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
May 7, 2020
LeadingAge PA president and CEO, Adam Marles, visited Lynne Hayes-Freeland's radio show on KDKA radio to discuss the needs of long-term care providers in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. -
LeadingAge PA president & CEO talks with Fox56: Why nursing homes should be included in total county COVID-19 cases
May 6, 2020
Adam Marles, LeadingAge PA president and CEO, spoke with Fox56.

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