LeadingAge PA: Leading Advocacy and Innovation in Aging Services
LeadingAge PA is a statewide association representing high-quality providers
of long-term care services and supports for older adults across the commonwealth
for almost 60 years. But we are so much more than one sentence can convey.
We share our vision with members to inspire change that positively impacts aging
services and the quality of care for older adults in Pennsylvania. We provide advocacy, support and insight on policy and strategy, as well as other tools and programs to help member organizations grow.
Together, we work to create a brighter future for the field of senior services.
We are committed to providing members with the education, data and resources
necessary to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of senior services.

For more information, contact Erin McDermott at emcdermott@leadingagepa.org,
or visit our website at LeadingAgePA.org.