Affinity Groups

LeadingAge PA Affinity Groups logo graphic

LeadingAge PA's Affinity Groups offer a valuable opportunity to connect and collaborate with professionals who share similar experiences and interests.

Provider members can use these groups, which meet regularly in a virtual format, for professional and personal growth and development. By sharing your perspective, you can take on a leadership role among your fellow service providers, and they can offer the same support in return.

We all share the same mission: to lift the aging services sector in Pennsylvania and continue to provide exceptional care for the state’s population.

Check out the below groups to determine which group is best suited for you!

Click here to join a group!


The Communications Affinity Group offers communications professionals from different roles the opportunity to discuss and collaborate on strategies that support our member provider and LeadingAge PA through effective communication efforts.

By joining this group, we can collectively benefit from the positive impact of effective communications, leveraging pooled resources and the strong collaboration of experts with diverse backgrounds and skill sets.


Coming soon!

The Finance Affinity Group will be designed for provider members ranging from Chief Financial Officers to business office staff. It aims to create a strong network and provide resources to help navigate the financial challenges within aging services. This group offers a space to discuss important topics, such as audit questions, best practices, reimbursement issues, expense management, and budgeting challenges. Notably, it provides members with an opportunity to gain insights relevant to their specific provider type.


Fitness & Wellness

Does your role involve the coordination of fitness and wellness? Are you interested in learning more about the topic? If you have answered yes to either of these questions, the Fitness and Wellness Affinity Group might be the perfect fit for you!

This group provides similar skilled and like-minded individuals with a chance to share experiences, challenges, insights, and collaborative efforts focused on fitness and wellness within aging services.


The Housing Affinity Group is designed for individuals working in senior affordable housing. It serves as a platform for meaningful discussions, sharing insights, and supporting one another as we navigate the challenges of our roles. Additionally, the group aims to inform its members about the latest policy changes and regulatory developments affecting senior affordable housing.

Human Resources

Human resource professionals and leaders are encountering significant challenges in the workforce crisis within the aging services sector. The Human Resources Affinity Group aims to create a space for open discussions about our daily struggles. It will focus on exploring potential solutions and strategies for addressing these challenges while facilitating sharing insights across the aging services community. 

Join this established and growing group of human resource professionals from all levels to learn, network, and share positive outcomes and perspectives on the challenges of serving those who care for older adults.

Information Technology

The Information Technology Affinity Group brings together technology professionals in aging services with a wide range of experiences and backgrounds in different settings and industries.

 Join this diverse group of strategic minds to share and explore both current and emerging technologies designed to address the unique technical and communication needs of aging services communities.

Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) Providers

The Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) Affinity Group convenes to explore and address important policy priorities, share key state and federal agency updates, and discuss specific challenges faced by organizations managing LIFE programs. Participants engage in discussions to identify solutions and best practices that can enhance the effectiveness and success of these programs.

Leaders of Color

The LeadingAge Leaders of Color Network is a professional networking group for senior, mid-level, and emerging leaders of color employed by LeadingAge member organizations. The network is designed to support and facilitate career advancement in the field of aging services. It carries out that mission by offering leaders of color a sounding board for sharing their challenges and success stories, a platform for exchanging resources and ideas, and a forum where leaders of color can take part in expert-led discussions about topics that reflect their expressed needs and interests. Allies welcome!

The Leaders of Color Network is proudly sponsored by:

Nursing Home Administrators

The Nursing Home Administrators (NHA) Affinity Group brings together professionals with various levels of experience to stay informed about state and federal issues relevant to their roles. More importantly, it provides a platform for members to connect, share insights, and discuss solutions to challenges faced in aging services communities.

 Through this group, NHAs can contribute their knowledge and experience to support others while gaining valuable insights and expanding their network of like-minded professionals!

Personal Care Homes/Assisted Living Residences Administrators

The Personal Care Homes/Assisted Living Residence (PCH/ALR) Administrators Affinity Group aims to serve as a supportive environment for professionals who oversee these settings. The group provides valuable opportunities to receive the latest regulatory updates impacting the profession and engage in meaningful discussions about shared challenges and best practices. 

Single Site

Single site providers experience and are impacted by the ever-changing landscape and regulatory nature of senior services in Pennsylvania in a unique way. This Affinity Group was created out of the need for management staff at single site providers to have the opportunity to discuss and address shared common challenges with others.

Join our group members as they collaborate on possible solutions and ways forward that result in better quality service and care to residents, and ultimately a positive impact on the whole community!