Penny Imes
Mark Irwin
Kaitlyn Joffey, PT, DPT, NCS
Wendy Johnson
Jed Johnson
Karyne Jones
Elyse Kauffman
Emily Kendall-Brown
Emily Kendall-Brown
Heather Kennedy
Zach Kennedy
Zach Kennedy joined Ridge Policy Group from Firehouse Strategies, a leading public affairs firm in Washington, D.C., where he executed targeted persuasion and grassroots advocacy campaigns for Fortune 500 corporations, trade associations, and nonprofits. Zach also managed the firm’s national network of field operatives as Firehouse’s Deputy Political Director.
Stephanie Kessler
Nancy King
Ed Klik
Patty Klinefelter
Jessica Klinger
Leah Klusch
Daniel Krieger
Evan Kuo