LeadingAge PA Issues Statement on Gov. Shapiro’s 2025-26 Budget Proposal
Calls to fix broken funding system and increase investment to bring stability to aging services sector
MECHANICSBURG, Pa. (Feb. 4, 2025) – LeadingAge PA President and CEO Garry Pezzano today issued the following statement on Governor Josh Shapiro’s FY 2025-26 budget proposal:
“Last year, we were proud to work together with the Shapiro administration and Pennsylvania General Assembly to provide much-needed increases in Medicaid rates for nursing homes and Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) providers. Although Governor Shapiro did not include critical funding increases in his budget address today, we remain committed to continuing this important work with the General Assembly to better position Pennsylvania to meet the needs of the commonwealth’s growing older adult population.
“Sadly, the underlying system is broken, with providers facing uncertain funding year after year. Despite critical investments in recent years, costs of care have continued to skyrocket, and the workforce shortage has no end in sight. As a result, access to care remains under threat and aging services providers are being forced to sell or outright close, with the most recent nursing home closure occurring just last week. In addition, lack of predictable and sustainable funding does not position the commonwealth to leverage the LIFE Program, a proven, innovative model, to its full potential.
“We appreciate Governor Shapiro’s recognition of the workforce challenges and growing needs of the older adult population. Now, we call on the administration and the Pennsylvania General Assembly to help bring predictability and sustainability to a broken system by setting a reasonable floor on the current funding mechanisms and infuse at least $139 million for nursing homes and a minimum 10% increase for the LIFE program in the upcoming budget. Without taking these important steps, mission-driven nursing homes that care for the most vulnerable of our elders will continue to struggle to remain open and LIFE Providers will be at risk of reducing the unique services they offer that help many older adults maintain their independence at home and age in place.
“As we’ve said before, Pennsylvania has the opportunity to create a national model for how we care and support older adults, demonstrating that no one does it better than the Keystone State. However, this can only happen if we fully commit
to confronting this challenge head on and collaborate on sustainable solutions.”
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About LeadingAge PA
LeadingAge PA is a trade association representing 400+ high-quality senior housing, health care and community services across the commonwealth. These providers serve more than 75,000 older Pennsylvanians and employ over 50,000 dedicated caregivers on a daily basis. Services our members offer include Life Plan Communities/Continuing Care Retirement Communities, skilled nursing communities, assisted living residences, personal care homes, Living Independence for the Elderly (LIFE) programs, and affordable senior housing. LeadingAge PA advocates on behalf of our members at the state and local levels to influence positive change and affect a healthy vision for the delivery of quality, affordable and ethical care for Pennsylvania’s seniors. For more information, visit www.LeadingAgePA.org.
Media Contact:
Katie Andreano
Senior Director, Marketing & Communications
Cell: 973-865-1742