2025 Lobby Day

June 10, 2025


This event promises to be a fantastic opportunity for you to play a significant role in expressing our shared priorities regarding the funding of aging services with state legislators and key decision-makers.

Event Highlights:
  • Engage with Legislators: Meet with state legislators to voice our shared priorities, including the need for funding and to address workforce barriers in aging services.
  • LeadingAge PA Press Conference: Attend a press conference where LeadingAge PA's President and CEO, Garry Pezzano, key state legislators, and members will emphasize the importance of supporting our essential sector.
Tentative Schedule:
  • Tuesday, June 10
    • 8:00 am, Room #B31: Breakfast and instructions for the day
    • 9:00 am - 3:00 pm: Legislative meetings in groups
    • 11:00 am, Main Rotunda: Press Conference

    For additional information, including parking and hotel options, please click here.