Addressing “Bullies” in Senior Living - Webinar
Bullying, defined as “a distinctive pattern of deliberately harming and humiliating others,” is an increasingly common problem among older adults. While the communal-living nature of senior living communities can open the door for socialization and friendship, it can also be the location of cliques, gossip, abuse, and bullying behavior. It is estimated that between 10 and 20 percent of older adults living in senior living communities are mistreated by their peers, and often, the behavior goes unreported or unnoticed by staff.
This interactive session will delve into the unique dynamics of bullying in senior living communities and day centers. Participants will learn about:
· The prevalence and manifestations of bullying among older adults.
· The characteristics of older adult bullies and their targets, including gender differences and the motivations behind such behavior.
· Five distinct types of bullies and why their behaviors emerge.
· Evidence-based strategies to confront and communicate with bullies.
· Practical techniques, including approaches based on empathy, questioning, confrontation, deontology, and acknowledgment.
Several case examples will be offered, with opportunities for participants to brainstorm approaches and dialogue about the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
Many people struggle with what to say to a bully to stop their behavior. There is no one “right” answer to this issue, but at the conclusion of the session, participants will have additional tools in their communication toolbox.
CEU Info
This program has been submitted but not yet approved for Continuing Education for 1.0 total participation hours by NAB/NCERS.
To receive continuing education credit for LeadingAge PA-sponsored webinars, attendees must register under their name, participate through the link supplied after registering, and complete the evaluation after the webinar.
Registration Instructions
We are pleased to offer this webinar at no charge to our members. Non-member rate is $80.