Regulatory Obligations Regarding Resident Substance Abuse-Webinar
November 17, 2022 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Live Webinar!
This session will focus on the issues that communities face with respect to resident substance abuse. We will discuss the importance of resident assessments and evaluations at the time of admission that focus on history of resident substance abuse, and consider the following questions: What should a community do in the event a resident with a history of substance use leaves the community? When is it considered to be an elopement or leave of absence? With respect to discharge planning for residents with substance abuse issues, when should the community consider discharge? What kind of documentation is required for discharge? Finally, the session will explore strategies that communities can implement to address resident substance abuse issues and to be prepared for surveys following the implementation of the Phase 3 guidance updates in the State Operations Manual
CEU Info
This program has been submitted but not yet approved for Continuing Education for 1.0 total participants hours by NAB/NCERS.
Registration Instructions
We are pleased to offer this webinar free of charge to members. Non-member rate: $70.