Heidie Dolan
Q: What is your favorite hobby?
A: I love making jewelry from scratch! I've made watches, earrings, and bracelets for over years. Most of the jewelry I wear I've made myself.
Q: If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
A: I would love to time travel and go back to ancient Bible times and see Jerusalem when Jesus was still alive.
Q: What is your favorite holiday and why?
A: Christmas! For a couple of reasons: the first is my husband loves decorating, so we always have fun doing so and second, because Christmastime was always special when I was a kid.
During the holiday season, my family would go out for breakfast together and afterwards we would go to a big Christmas store that used to be near Lebanon. Christmas was always just a nice way to spend family time.
Q: What movie can you watch over and over again without getting tired of it?
A: "Frequency." I love all of the twists and turns in this movie. It is suspenseful
and exciting! The story keeps you glued to the screen until the end! Ironically, it is somewhat about time travel. I'm sensing a theme in my answers. I guess I really like the idea of time travel!
Q: What is your favorite trip and why?
A: When I visited Israel, both in 2008 and 2018. I loved it because I got to see the different places that I read about in the Bible and I got to walk the same places Jesus walked. When I read
my Bible now, I can picture the places better because I've been there!
Director of Operations since 2015
Heidie Dolan, LeadingAge PA's operations director, is responsible for the overall operations of the association including building and vendor needs. A jack of all trades, Dolan also works with conference exhibitors, and provides a broad range of support to the president & CEO, board of directors, and staff as needed. She works closely to assist the strategy officer and controller with financial responsibilities and office management duties, including technical support as well.
Dolan graduated from Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) with an Associate's Degree in Business Studies and a certificate in word processing.